Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How To Create A Windows Server 2008 Scripted Install Job For A Localized Distribution

To create a localized Windows scripted install job:

1. On the Deployment Server, create a new directory in the .\lib\osdist directory for the distribution files. For example, .\lib\osdist\w61e-xx, where xx is a language code like "DE".
2. Copy the entire distribution into the new directory.
3. Create a new directory in the .\lib\osconfig directory with the same name as the directory created in step 1.
4. Copy an appropriate, existing unattend xml file into the new directory. Following the example, copy .\lib\osconfig\w61e\default.xml to .\lib\osconfig\w61e-de\default.xml.
5. Edit the new unattend xml file. Change the necessary fields to align with your locale and language, such as InputLocale, SystemLocale, UserLocale, UILanguage. It is recommended to use the Windows System Image Manager included in the Windows AIK when creating or modifing a unattend xml file.
6. In the Deployment Console, copy and rename one of the Windows scripted install jobs. For example, Deploy ProLiant ML/DL/BL + Windows 2008 Enterprise (German) + PSP {WinPE}.
7. Edit the tasks in the new job. In the Run Script - Start Install task, change the four instances of the Windows shortcut name. Following the example,

rem Start Install
rem scripted-install

rem replacetokens .\lib\osconfig\w61e-de\default.xml .\lib\osconfig\w61e-de\%ID%.xml
set unattendfile=%ALTIRIS_SHARE%\lib\osconfig\w61e-de\%ID%.xml

%ALTIRIS_SHARE%\lib\osdist\w61-de\setup.exe /unattend:%unattendfile%

Sysprep unattend file in Windows Server 2008:

The answer file is now an XML file instead of an INF file. You should to use Windows System Image Manager to create the XML file. Windows System Image Manager is part of WAIK and can be downloaded here.
To actually use this XML file, copy it sysprep.xml toc:\windows\system32\sysprep. That is the folder on a Windows Server 2008 system where sysprep.exe is located by default. From that location, you execute the following command:

sysprep /generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend:sysprep.xml

The system will shut down. The next time you start this system (after cloning it), it will install with the settings in the XML file. The Computer Name will be automatically generated.

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